Born in Bethlehem
BookReleased October 2013
This Music Book features 14 "pretty" songs that aren't as familiar at Christmastime. (The corresponding CD is a solo piano album and is beloved by fans who love the simplicity of just the piano.) This music can be played all year long. Songs include See, Amid The Winter's Snow (Born In Bethlehem); A Tiny Child So Full Of Joy; A La Nanita Nana; O Come Rejoicing; The Boar's Head Carol; The Simple Birth; Carol Of The Birds; The Huron Carol; Masters In This Hall; Come, All Ye Shepherds; Prepare The Way; We Have Heard In Bethlehem; Susani, Morning Star; and O Sanctissima.
This Music Book will now be a Lorie Line collector book as it is retiring and will not be re-printed.
Music Book contains all of the corresponding music as played on the CD except Candlelight Carol as we were not able to obtain the publishing rights for this song.